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Air Quality and Ecology and Human Health

This multidisciplinary journal explores the relationship between air quality and human health. Its focus is on the impacts of human activity on our environment and the consequent effects on our health. Papers published in this journal cover a wide variety of topics. Contributors include research papers, critical literature reviews, commentaries, and special issues on specific topics. Submissions should focus on global issues and should not be restricted to specific geographic regions.

Air pollution is the biggest environmental problem in California. It costs the state economy billions of dollars every year. The San Francisco Chronicle reported on 13 November 2008 that a recent study revealed that the health of Californians depends on clean air. However, the economic cost of bad air is equally significant. The article argued that the human population is at risk from long-term exposure to pollution levels below current standards and guidelines. In addition, the article noted that “bad air has a negative effect on the quality of our health.”

The main hazard of air pollution is sulphur and nitrogen oxides. Other toxins in the air may be released by volcanoes, decomposing organic matter in soil, or other natural sources. Traffic-related air pollution is the largest source of human-made air pollution. This type of pollution affects every part of the body, from the lungs to the nervous system. The duration of exposure also plays a role in the health consequences. Since air pollutants are found in all environments, nearly every individual is affected by them. According to a WHO survey, 90% of citizens in Europe are exposed to levels of fine particulate matter above WHO standards.

Named the main air pollutants in the US

The air pollution problem is already a serious problem for the California economy. There are several ways that air pollution can affect the health of Californians. First, it affects local weather conditions. Warmer temperatures and more sunlight can prolong peak ozone concentrations. Second, it can affect human mortality by increasing the risk of respiratory disease. In both cases, the increased health costs are not good for the state. So, the best solution is to reduce the harmful emissions of outdoor pollutants.

The main air pollutants are sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and ozone. The most hazardous type of air pollution is particulate matter, which is smaller than 2.5 microns. It penetrates deep into the lung and affects the vascular system. The duration of exposure also affects the health. Climate change is causing a large increase in the amount of air pollutants, particularly at ground level.

In the United States, the main health hazard of air pollution is sulphur oxides, which are responsible for ozone. The main cause is climate change. In Europe, it is predicted to alter local weather, resulting in higher levels of ozone. As a result, it can aggravate existing air pollution problems. The most immediate problem is the high levels of sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides.

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